
Plague Inc: Armageddon Expansion

Created by Ndemic Creations

The first major expansion for Plague Inc: The Board Game is here. Armageddon adds new disease types, genetic modification and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 7 - 500% funded and 'Co-ordinated Response' card added
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:17:08 AM

Day 7 and another stretch goal falls to the floor covered in pustules as we are 500% funded!

The Co-ordinated Response event card has now been added and offers a powerful way to target players who are very thinly spread in a country and farming it on their own - however, if you have tokens present as well - it can be a bit more risky. (FYI - this card is still in testing - might be changed to be used only when you have killed a country) 

Abseiling infection control people - just what you need...
Abseiling infection control people - just what you need...

Hope you like it!


Public playtests in London, Bristol and Stockholm
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:17:05 AM

Do you want to experience Armageddon before the crowds? 

We did public playtests for the original kickstarter and people had a lot of fun trying the game out. This time - we are able to do playtests in Bristol as well as in London. As a bonus - I have to go to Stockholm to give a talk at a conference about Rebel Inc. so I'm going to see if we can fit a few playtests in there as well!

We are most interested to have people who have already played Plague Inc: The Board Game and are familiar with it

Fill out the following form if there are specific dates you can do. I can't guarantee that everyone will be able to test it but will try and fit in as many people as possible!

London, UK survey link (this weekend - short notice!)

Bristol, UK survey link (next week) 

Stockholm survey link (mid May)

I might also do some playtests in New York in June - however TBD as we will hopefully have gone to print before then!


Day 8 - 550% funded and Projectile Vomiting added
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:17:00 AM

Day 8 and we've now raised over $100,000 so give a warm welcome to the new Projectile Vomiting trait card that just got unlocked!

A quick reminder that we are also organising public playtests -  more info here. 

When vomiting isn't enough
When vomiting isn't enough

The next stretch goal adds a rather cool new gene to the game. I'm so confident of reaching it that I actually included it in the print and play files I sent out to some lucky playtesters last night. Don't let me down people! :P


Day 10 - 611% funded and new gene added
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:16:57 AM

Things continue to look infectious on day 10. We are now 611% funded and a new gene has been added.

This gene means that every climate trait you have evolved also counts as +1 lethality. Adapting to all climates never looked more appealing and it also gives extra ways to increase your lethality without waiting for lethality traits.

I've got to run now - just about to do some public playtests of the game in London. Pity the unlucky victims :P


Genes, glorious genes
Genes, glorious genes

Day 12 - 670% funded and Lethal Re-roll added
about 5 years ago – Thu, May 02, 2019 at 10:16:55 AM

670% funded and a new event card has been added. 

The Lethal Re-roll event card is an extremely flexible card - it can either be used to give yourself another chance to kill a country - or you can use it to try and save a country from another player.

The playtests in London this weekend went really well with some very useful feedback - I'll do a write up of it later in the week. Thanks everyone who came along!

Try, try, try again
Try, try, try again