
Plague Inc: Armageddon Expansion

Created by Ndemic Creations

The first major expansion for Plague Inc: The Board Game is here. Armageddon adds new disease types, genetic modification and more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys being sent out this week - check your inbox for BackerKit email
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 29, 2019 at 03:21:10 AM

 Hello everyone - ACTION REQUIRED!

  All the people who backed Plague Inc: The Board Game on Kickstarter will receive an invitation email from BackerKit this week. This email contains a link to your personal survey where you can confirm your reward option, set your shipping address and get any add-ons that you want (like a second copy of the game with free shipping)

It is important to submit your responses quickly since we need this information to process your rewards. You do not need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey, just click on the survey link, fill it out, and you’re all good to go!

If you need to update your shipping information in the future, you can click on the link in your survey email again or request your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page.

If you used Facebook to log into your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey link will be sent to the email you used for your Facebook account. 

Changing pledge tiers

We’ve had a few requests from people to change their pledge tier. (They realised how badly they wanted those Secure Pathogen Containers!) When you start your survey - you will have the option to change your pledge tier.

Collector edition of Plague Inc: The Board Game from last Kickstarter:

We have 6 copies of the collector edition of Plague Inc: The Board Game from the original kickstarter in our office.  We will reluctantly sell them if we have to - you can add them through the survey as long as stock lasts. Note - they are expensive - I recommend getting the cheaper retail version of the base game instead :P

Digital codes:

If you are an Enthusiast backer, digital codes will be sent out with BackerKit once your survey is completed and we have confirmed it (locked it down). The first batch of codes will be sent out next week so try and complete the survey by then! Anyone who doesn't complete the survey by that date - don't worry - we will send out other batches of code every few weeks :)

Do you need help / are you not sure what to do?

If you have any issues with anything or didn't receive a link to the survey by Monday - please message us and we will sort it out!

Make a late pledge

If you missed out on the campaign then don’t worry, you can still get yourself a copy of the expansion. Just head here.

Phew, that’s about all the admin that we needed to get out there for the time being. We’ll be in touch soon with more updates on the manufacturing process (and of course, with BackerKit Surveys). Until then: Stay healthy!

Ndemic team

We did it! $205,040 raised and 1139% funded!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 14, 2019 at 01:03:17 AM

We did it! It's been an incredible few weeks and we've raised over $205,000 - thank you so much to everyone who has backed Plague Inc: Armageddon!

I can stop thinking of Armageddon jokes now!
I can stop thinking of Armageddon jokes now!

Thanks to your help we've been able to unlock a whole load of cool new features for the expansion. New Event, Country, and Trait Cards are getting added to the game, as are upgraded Gene components and a whole new layer of play in the Recessive and Dominant Gene mechanics. Even more importantly - you have given us lots of feedback on the game text and rulebook wording.

The campaign is over but the work doesn't stop for us  - we are hard at work making final balance / text tweaks and working with the manufacturer to prepare for print. I'm also travelling to Stockholm to talk at a major global peace and development conference about our latest game Rebel Inc. - no rest for the wicked eh :P 

In the next week or so - we will invite you to the pledge manager - for a short time it will be possible to make late pledges / upgrade your pledge tier if you so wish. I'll be back then to share more information!

Thanks again for your support - means a lot to me


12 hours to go and over 1,000% funded!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, May 13, 2019 at 12:16:27 AM

Over 1000% funded!!! Just a few hours to go now until the end of the campaign now so if you were planning on infecting friends and family with Armageddon - this is it!

I also wanted to send out a big thank you to everyone who has given us feedback so far  - it's invaluable as we add the last bits of polish. We'll keep asking for your thoughts as we finalise things ahead of manufacturing, so if you haven't had time/haven't seen our bevy of feedback forms yet then there's still time to let us know what you think here.

I'll be back tomorrow once the campaign officially closes to let you know the next steps!

Thanks for all your support


It's coming!
It's coming!

2 days left: Repeat Infection pack close up & feedback surveys
almost 5 years ago – Sat, May 11, 2019 at 08:47:32 PM

Thank you so much to everyone who has backed Plague: Inc: Armageddon so far - we are 985% funded!

Here's a look at the Repeat Infection pack that backers can experiment with in the new expansion :) This is a Kickstarter special - they were too powerful to include in the retail version so shouldn't be used in serious games! They are pretty fun to play with though :P 

WARNING: these Extreme Event Cards are just for fun - play with them at your own risk!
WARNING: these Extreme Event Cards are just for fun - play with them at your own risk!

Help us with feedback!

Just like our original Kickstarter campaign, we're also very keen to get your thoughts and feedback, as much as possible, in order to make Armageddon as good as it can possibly be.

Specifically we're after your thoughts on our wording across the expansion. We've got loads of new content to come: Event Cards, a whole new Genetic Modification mechanic, and the two new disease types to name a few. If you have the time, please follow the links below to read through our wording/explanations of these new elements and let us know what you think! 

Most important:

Disease Types/Abilities Survey

Rulebook Survey

Also important if you have time:

Event Card Survey

Dominant Gene Survey

Recessive Gene Survey

Stay Healthy,


First look at storage boxes and rulebook, plus new shipping options!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 10, 2019 at 02:25:59 AM

Not long to go now until the campaign ends and we’re already hard at work making sure everything is ready for manufacturing to begin. In fact - you can help us with that... 

We have the Rulebook ready to go, but we’re keen to get feedback from you all, just to make sure it’s as clear and easy to understand as it can be. If you’d like to help us out here - you can find the rulebook and survey here

One of the most popular elements of the campaign has been the Secure Pathogen Containment Facilities (included in the Armageddon Enthusiast Pledge only). As promised, here is the final design - each 'match box' will hold a set of plague tokens. Take a look - we're really pleased with them!

Can store real life pathogens, if you have deplorably low safety standards...
Can store real life pathogens, if you have deplorably low safety standards...

One last thing! After a bit of wrangling we have extended our shipment options for all pledges. We have added Norway, South Korea, and a few other popular locations to the shipping options. If you haven’t backed already and would like your game shipped to these locations. just make a pledge and your shipping options will be calculated for you.

Back soon with more updates - I'm going to share all of the cards that backers will get in the Repeat Infection pack - rather pleased with them :)
